Native Woodland Project

This year over 700 participants from over 40 scout groups planted 300 trees in Lough Dan’s native woodland project. Amazing. And almost 100 bird and bat boxes were constructed. Fantastic and well done everyone.

But don’t stop there. Now that you know how to do it plant more native trees in your community, around your scout den, or in your back garden. The planet needs your help.

At Lough Dan we are planting a native woodland on 16 acres of hillside. From the relic species on the site such as blue bells, wood sorrel and holly we can assume that this area was woodland before it was cleared for rough grazing in days gone by. It will form part of a network of native woodlands between Lough Dan and Glendalough creating a fantastic linear wildlife habitat.

On the weekend nearest founders day the 22nd of February and   as part of National Tree Week Lough Dan Scout Centre invites all scout groups to take part in a massive tree planting event.  It is all part of our Eco-Strategy as we leave a legacy by managing the centre as an Eco-Park where wildlife is protected and everyone is encouraged to reconnect with nature.

Oak, Birch,Hazel & Rowan are planted along with some Alder in the wetland adjacent to the Avonmore River. Fox, badger, red squirrel, deer and numerous bird species inhabit the woodland area.

Sponsor a tree for just €5 and we will have it ready and waiting for you at Lough Dan on the day. We feel this cost is attainable by even our youngest members and we will also provide a stake and a tree tube to protect it from the deer.
Then just come along and plant it, bring a spade, a pack lunch and your rain gear and why not go on a hike or have a barbeque while you are at it.


Please contact to make a booking or enquire.