Location Our nearest village is Roundwood. It is 4km away and has a small supermarket, butcher shop, pharmacy and Hardware store. It also has several restaurants, coffee shop and take-away food outlets.Please support our local community by shopping in Roundwood if at all possible
The nearest Catholic Church is in Roundwood while the closest Church Of Ireland (Protestant Church) is in Laragh 7km on the road towards Glendalough.
Laragh has several shops and places to eat as well as the nearest Petrol station. The historic monastic city of Glendalough is 9km from Lough Dan campsite by road or along the Wicklow Way walking trail. It is the center of the Wicklow Mountains National Park and it is where many of the way-marked trails and mountain walks start. In Glendalough there is a craft shop, hotel and a coffee shop.
Groups staying for over a week on their summer camp usualy go to either Bray-Sur-Mer or Dublin for thier day trip.
Bus to Roundwood
Dublin Airport Bus
Dublin Bus Website
Stena Line Ferries
Direct Ferries
Local Taxi and mini-bus Service:
Sean Byrne Lough Dan +353 1 281 7027 Mini bus hire
Gerry O’Toole Roundwood +353 87 2047916) Coach and Mini bus hire
Joe Moroney Bray +353 1 276 1466 +353 872867888 Coach hire
When Hiring a coach keep in mind that Lough Dan Scout Center and Eco-park is located on a country lane with max size of coach 50 seater.
Local Towns/Villages
Bray Town
Wicklow Tourism
Shops and Supermarkets
Roundwood Centra
Lidl Bray
Lidl Bray/Greystones
Dunnes Stores
Doctors and Hospitals
Roundwood has a pharmacy but not a doctors surgery. The nearest doctor is in Ashford. Contact details and opening hours of the Ashford clinic are posted up at the reception.
The nearest hospital is towards Dublin just off the N11 at Loughlinstown. However for A&E services for children under 16 yeas of age you need to go to Tallagh Hostipal. Head north towards Dublin on the N11 and M50 and follow the Tallagh exit.