Wicklow Mountains National Park

Lough Dan Scout Centre is nestled in the heart of of the Wicklow Mountains, Irelands largest upland area. Much of this is now a National Park. The main hub of the park is Glendalough only 9km from Lough Dan. While there are endless opportunities for hill walking and other outdoor activites such as bouldering and rock climbing throughout the Wicklow Mountains, Glendalough with its ancient monastic city, interperative centre and superb location in a glacial valley provide the focal point for most outdoor enthusiasts.

Way Marked Trails. The Wicklow Way connects Lough Dan to Glendalough (9km)where you can continue further south to Glenmalure or take Saint Kevin’s Way from Glendalough to Hollywood along the Glendassan and King’s River vallies.

Looped walks. Some of the villages surronding the park area and the National Park itself have established looped walks. They are sign posted and vary in lenght and difficulty. The most spectacular of these is the Spink Walk which goes around the Upper Lake in Glendalough and takes about 3 hours.

Rock Climbing and Bouldering. The boulder field and crags at the far end of the Upper Lake in Glendalough are popular locations for both climbing and bouldering and guidebooks are available.

Interpretation and information. Glendalough Monastic City has its own interperative centre and the National Park has in information office beside the Upper Lake with information and displays on the area’s wildlife.

Mining heritage. There is a rich mining heritage within the park. Lead deposits were discovered during surveying for the construction of the military road in the early 1800s. Since then the ore has been worked the remains of which can be seen at various locations and inparticular at the miners village above the Upper Lake and at the old lead mines in Glendassan both of which are short walks from Glendalough..